Sandra Felteneau participated in the workshop on publishing and reading organized with the participation of various Quebec editors, the experts or FGSR and IPDA. There were publishers representing several publishing houses. In the case of Sandra Felteneu, she intervened representing the company Editions SXYZ and other publishers interested in the purchase and sale of rights with a relevant impact in the field of television and cinema, both in Quebec as abroad. In this particular case is a publishing house focused on the fiction books with about twenty titles a year in this field and also some essays about politics, culture and society.
Felteneu finds many similarities between the problems of the Spanish and Québec market, especially for the large number of titles that are published confronted the small size of the print copies and books sales.
In this intervew also refers to the interest that the projects or Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez aroused within this Canadian delegation, because of the innovative and originality of the approaches “This Foundation focuses on the person (reader) instead of focus just on the book”, she said.