PubMagNet group held its meeting in Casa del Lector (the centre of FGSR in Madrid) and gathered different experts on the book industry, in this occasion with a special focus on Spanish speaking markets.
Carlo Carrenho and Antonio Martín (PublishNews, Spain), Andrew Albanese (Publishers Weekly, USA), Rüdiger Wischenbart (Wischenbart Consulting, Austria), Fabrice Piault (Livres Hebdo, France) and Thomas Wilking, Buchreport and Lena Scherer (Buchreport, Germany) joined with several experts from Spain and LatinAmerican countries at the centre or Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez in Madrid. Some of the members of the group explain in this interview some insights on the role of the Publishing Magazines and the transformation that many of the media are implementing now.
PubMagNet was created in 2008 and during this convening the landscape was defined as a challenge: news on publishing is becoming increasingly difficult to monetize and that is one the reasons why specialist publishers are generally focusing more on service and customer’s benefit. What does this mean for the publishing magazines? The means of cooperation and knowledge exchange were the core of the works developed during three days meeting in Madrid.