During the last Readmagine conference (Casa del Lector : Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez) took place one-day meeting under the title of ‘Ten Years After’ with nine conversations on the consequences of the digital media within the society, during the last ten years period.
One of the conversations was focused on the shifts in the customer behaviors and the challenges of the publishing sector to overcome the gap between the business models and the speed of transformations.
The panel was composed by Nisa Bayindir, Luis González and Nina Klein and explored ideas such as:
- The role of the devices in the content consumption now.
- The real existence of new business models truly founded on content within this digital context.
- The influence of the youngest generation as driver of innovation with their behavior.
- The real meaning of the platform model.
- Content marketing and quantitative data.
- The impact of new technologies like AI/ machine learning or big data on the business models.
- General trends in the industry and in consumers in the case of smart advertising as a revenue scheme.
- The role of the regulatory activity in Europe in order to balance the competition GAFA-publishing sector.
- The shift on the focus or tools in marketing based on the research of consumer behavior’s as a mean for innovation in the content sector.
- The tools of the public sector for innovation support for publishing – in order to establish a level playing field with the GAFA dominance.
Nisa Bayindir is Director of Global Insights and Consumer Psychologist
An award-winning audience intelligence strategist and consumer psychologist who blends research and insights to deconstruct consumer needs and behaviours. Her career spans across various fields of digital media – from publishing to omnichannel marketing – bolstered with integrated strategy, research and insights crafted for shifts in consumer knowledge, market expansion and product innovation. She’s currently the Director of Insights at GlobalWebIndex, overseeing insights gathered from a global panel of over 22 million consumers, stretching across 40+ countries.
Luis Gonzalez is Director of the GSR Foundation. Since 1992 he joined the Administradores corp (senior civil servants in Spain’s National Public Administration) and worked as the director of different departments within the Spain’s National Administration, such as regional development units or R & D divisions. During his stage at the Ministry of Culture launched the National Reading Strategy. In 2004 joined the GSR Foundation where he designed and developed projects such as Casa del Lector (the Madrid’s new centre for the R&D of readership), several digital platforms (Canal Lector, Lecturalab, Lectyo or Lectylab), research projects (Territorio Ebook, Nubeteca) or innovation forums for the industry (Readmagine, Renodo). He is a lecturer, professor and author of several books.
Nina Klein is Independent consultant for strategic communication and business development in the cultural and creative sectors
Nina studied history and German literature (M.A.) and holds a Master of Business Administration (2013). She worked as a journalist in Germany for over ten years before moving to Poland in 2002. There, she was director of a training program for radio journalists and then director of the German Book Information Centre Warsaw. She joined the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2008 as Director of Press and Public Relations. Since 2012, Nina has been a consultant in Brussels and Frankfurt, specializing in innovation in digital publishing and adjacent creative sectors.